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Set Menu Type

RokNavMenu provides a feature rich platform for extending the menu, allowing for overrides and plugins for the menu itself, in addition to versatile theming capabilities and so much more.

To find all the parameters for Dropdown Menu & SplitMenu on Alerion template, such as position, please navigate to:

  • Extensions → Template Manager → rt_alerion
  • Then go to Menu tab, and set the Menu parameters

Descriptions of each template parameter can be seen when you mouseover the label of each option.

Set Menu
Новостная лента

Dropdown Menu

A CSS driven dropdown menu, with subtext line, multi-columns, icons and more.

Switch to Dropdown Menu

Split Menu

A static menu system that displays 1st level items in the main horizontal menu and all children in the Sidebar.

Switch to SplitMenu

No Menu

An option to disable the menu, allowing for normal module use of the navigation position.